e diel, 8 korrik 2007

My trip to Home Depot. and shit.

So...I was painting my bathroom and took a trip to Home Depot on Willoughby, after a long sweaty walk I arrive for my first HD experience in Brooklyn and announce "so this is what Home Depot looks like in the ghetto" (referring to the fact that it is completely enclosed by a fence and barbed wire). As I enter the lot my friend starts singing a song and it's a real knee slapper...actually...I get so excited that I start dancing around and singing along whilst simultaneously stepping in POOP. All this excitement got me very worked up until i felt something wet and mushy in my flip flop I had transfered the BROWN DELIGHT from the bottom of my sandal to the inside of it. My immediate reaction was nothing notable because stepping in FECES has become a daily experience for me, however with the egging on of my my friend I began to get worked up. In my large tote bag I managed to scrounge up a postcard (but of course no porous paper) and a bottle of water, I proceded to use large pieces of gravel to scrape off the initial CRAP and use the postcard to finish off the job with a few splashes of water,it was roughly a ten minute process. I can only hope it was just animal SHIT.

e enjte, 5 korrik 2007

field trip

Construction site catshit.

Park Slope shit.

Williamsburg shit.

Bed-Stuy bike lock shit.

Shit, shoe.

Battery Park City shit.

e hënë, 2 korrik 2007

The Notorious Poofist

This is a cow turd, that was magically placed onto the fence. He was a
very talented cow.

This is 100% real, taken with my a camera phone.

- Jonathan

e premte, 22 qershor 2007

poop pipe

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This is a poop pipe, apparently this had been on our block for a long time. It hangs there waiting to be used.

I personally have never seen anyone actually use it, yet it always seems to be stocked full of fresh grocery bags.

e enjte, 21 qershor 2007